Action Gets the maximum number of archives which StuffIt can have open
Returns The number of archives which StuffIt can have open
Examples StuffIt.archive.getMaxCount ()
»8 (The maximum number of archives which StuffIt can have open with its default memory partition)
See Also StuffIt.archive.getOpenCount
Verb StuffIt.archive.getOpenCount
Syntax StuffIt.archive.getOpenCount ()
Parameters None
Action Gets the number of open archives.
Returns The number of archives which are currently open
Examples StuffIt.archive.getOpenCount ()
»1 (The number of archives which I currently have open)
See Also StuffIt.archive.getMaxCount
Verb StuffIt.archive.getPath
Syntax StuffIt.archive.getPath (index)
Parameters index: the number of the archive you wish to get information for. The frontmost archive is 0, and all other archives are numbered sequentially from the front
Action Gets the full pathname of the archive you specify
Returns The full pathname of the archive specified by index
Examples StuffIt.archive.getPath (0)
»"My HD:My Folder:My Archive" (The pathname of the frontmost archive)
Verb StuffIt.bringToFront
Syntax StuffIt.bringToFront ()
Parameters None
Action Brings StuffIt to the front, making it the active application.
Returns True if the event was successfully sent
Examples StuffIt.bringToFront ()
»true (and StuffIt is now the frontmost application)
Verb StuffIt.clear
Syntax StuffIt.clear ()
Parameters None
Action Removes the currently selected item(s) from the frontmost archive
Just like choosing "Clear" from StuffIt's Edit Menu
Returns true if no error occured while clearing the selected item(s)
Examples StuffIt.clear ()
See Also StuffIt.copy
Verb StuffIt.closeAll
Syntax StuffIt.closeAll ()
Parameters None
Action Closes every open archive
Returns True if successful, false if no windows were open
Examples StuffIt.closeAll ()
»true (There was at least one open archive to close)
Verb StuffIt.closeArchive
Syntax StuffIt.closeArchive (path)
Parameters path: the full pathname of the archive you wish to close
» true (copies the first item of "Old StuffIt File" to the root of "New StuffIt File")
See Also StuffIt.moveItem
Verb StuffIt.deleteItem
Syntax StuffIt.deleteItem(ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the archive itself, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem.
Action Deletes the specified iem, without a warning dialog box
Action Gets the full pathname of the frontmost archive
Returns The full pathname of the frontmost archive, or -1 if no archive is open.
Examples StuffIt.getCurrentArchivePath ()
» My HD:My Folder:My Archive (the pathname of the frontmost archive)
See Also StuffIt.archive.getPath
Verb StuffIt.getCurrentFolder
Syntax StuffIt.getCurrentFolder()
Parameters None
Action Gets the offset number of the current folder.
Returns The offset number for the current folder
-1 if no archive is open
-4 if the frontmost archive is a 1.5.1 archive (which this doesn't work for)
Examples StuffIt.getCurrentFolder ()
» 0 (we're at the top level of the archive)
See Also StuffIt.openFolder
Verb StuffIt.getFirstItem
Syntax StuffIt.getFirstItem()
Parameters None
Action Gets the offset number of the first item within the current folder.
Returns The offset number for the first item in the current folder
-1 if no archive is open
-4 if the frontmost archive is a 1.5.1 archive (which this doesn't work for)
0 if there are no entries in this folder
Examples StuffIt.getFirstItem()
» 22 (the offset of the first item within the archive)
See Also StuffIt.getNextItem
Verb StuffIt.getItemChild
Syntax StuffIt.getItemChild (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the archive itself, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem.
Action Gets the offset number of the first item within the folder you specify.
Returns The offset number for the first item in the specified folder
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-3 if the item at the offset is not a folder or an archive
-4 if the frontmost archive is a 1.5.1 archive (which this doesn't work for)
0 if there are no children of this item
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemChild (0)
» 22 (the offset of the first item within the archive)
See Also StuffIt.getItemParent
Verb StuffIt.getItemCompressedSize
Syntax StuffIt.getItemCompressedSize(ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the full size (compressed) of the item you specify with offset
Returns The compressed size of the file, folder, or archive in bytes
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-5 if the item at the offset is the end of a folder
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
» 26345 (the full, uncompressed size of the first item)
See Also StuffIt.getItemSize
Verb StuffIt.getItemCount
Syntax StuffIt.getItemCount (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the folder info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the number of items in the item at the offset you specify
Returns The number of children in the specified item
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-3 if the item at the offset is not a folder or an archive
-4 if the frontmost archive is a 1.5.1 archive (which this doesn't work for)
0 if there are no children of this item
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemCount (0)
» 3 (the number of items in the frontmost archive)
See Also StuffIt.getFirstItem
Verb StuffIt.getItemCreated
Syntax StuffIt.getItemCreated (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the creation date of the item specified by ID
Returns The creation date of the specified item
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemCreated (0)
» 3/21/92 (the date the archive was created)
See Also StuffIt.getItemModified
Verb StuffIt.getItemCreator
Syntax StuffIt.getItemCreator (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the four-letter signature of the application which created this document
Returns The creator signature of the application which created the document
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-5 if the item you specify is a folder or end of folder
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemCreator (0)
» "SIT!" (since the archive itself is at offset 0, the application which created it is StuffIt)
See Also StuffIt.getItemType
Verb StuffIt.getItemID
Syntax StuffIt.getItemID (index)
Parameters index: the index of the file at the current level whose ID (offset) you wish to get
Action Returns the offset of the item at the specified indexed location in the current folder
Returns offset of the item
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the index you specify is not an acceptable range
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemID (1)
» 22 (the offset of the first item)
See Also StuffIt.getFirstItem
Verb StuffIt.getItemKind
Syntax StuffIt.getItemKind (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Returns a description about what kind of item is at the offset you specify
Returns archive, folder, file, or end-of-folder
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemKind (0)
» archive (the item 0 represents the archive itself)
See Also StuffIt.getItemType
Verb StuffIt.getItemLabel
Syntax StuffIt.getItemLabel (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Returns the name of the label of the item which is at the offset you specify
Returns the name of the label (or None)
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
» None (the label of the first item in the archive)
See Also StuffIt.setItemLabel
Verb StuffIt.getItemModified
Syntax StuffIt.getItemModified (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the modified date of the item at offset ID
Returns The modified date of the file, folder, or archive
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-5 if the item at the offset is the end of a folder
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Examples StuffIt.getItemModified (0)
» 3/21/92 (the last date that this archive was modified)
See Also StuffIt.getItemCreated
Verb StuffIt.getItemName
Syntax StuffIt.getItemName (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the name of the item at offset ID
Returns The name of the file, folder, or archive
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-5 if the item at the offset is the end of a folder
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the full size (uncompressed) of the item you specify with offset
Returns The size of the file, folder, or archive in bytes
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-5 if the item at the offset is the end of a folder
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
» 26345 (the full, uncompressed size of the first item)
See Also StuffIt.getItemCompressedSize
Verb StuffIt.getItemType
Syntax StuffIt.getItemType(ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the four-letter string which indicates the file type
Returns The type of the file, folder, or archive
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-5 if the item at the offset is the end of a folder
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the offset of the item that comes next in the archive, relative to the item you specify
Returns The offset of the next file, folder, or end-of-folder
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-6 if the root of the archive (0) was specified
0 if there is no next item
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
» 134 (the second item (next after first) can be found at offset 134)
See Also StuffIt.getItemChild
Verb StuffIt.getPreviousItem
Syntax StuffIt.getPreviousItem(ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Gets the offset of the item that comes before it in the archive, relative to the item you specify
Returns The offset of the previous file, folder, or end-of-folder
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is not an acceptable range
-6 if the root of the archive (0) was specified
0 if there is no previous item
Any other negative number if the item you specify does not exist
Action Gets the version information of the currenly running copy of StuffIt.
Returns The version of StuffIt you are running
false (and an error) if StuffIt is not running
Examples StuffIt.getVersion ()
» StuffIt Deluxe™ 3.0 (the version of StuffIt which is running)
Verb StuffIt.isFolder
Syntax StuffIt.isFolder (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset of the item info within the archive. 0 is the root, and you can determine all subsequent children by using getItemChild and getNextItem
Action Determines if the item at the offset you specify is a folder
Returns true if the item you specify is a folder, false if it is not
Examples StuffIt.isFolder (22)
» true (the item at offset 22 is a folder)
See Also getItemKind
Verb StuffIt.isRunning
Syntax StuffIt.isRunning ()
Parameters None
Action Determines if StuffIt is running
Returns true if StuffIt is running, false if it is not
Examples StuffIt.isRunning ()
» true (Of course you always keep StuffIt running!)
Notes Since this is based on the Frontier verb sys.appIsRunning, and StuffIt's creator signature has not changed at all, this will return true even if an older version is running.
As a result, you should get the version of the program to make sure that it really is 3.0 or greater so that you can send it AppleEvents.
See Also StuffIt.getVersion
Verb StuffIt.launch
Syntax StuffIt.launch ()
Parameters None
Action Opens StuffIt on your hard drive
Returns true if StuffIt was launched, false if it was not
Examples StuffIt.launch ()
» true (StuffIt was launched)
Notes The pathname of your copy of StuffIt is stored in StuffIt.appInfo.path. If you have moved StuffIt, or you are using this verb for the first time, you will get a dialog asking you to find your copy of StuffIt.
Be sure to choose StuffIt 3.0, since the script only checks the creator of the file you select, and therefore any version of StuffIt would satisfy this dialog. This could be a problem if you want to send AppleEvents.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As with StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments begin with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addCommentIs
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addCommentIs (text)
Parameters text: the text you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files whose comments are exactly the text you specify
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose comments contain with "Cool" and end with "Deal".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCommentBeginsWith
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files made after today and all files made since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files made after today and all files made since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files made after today and all files made since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files made after today and all files made since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files made after today and all files made since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addCreatedAfter
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addCreatedOn
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addCreatedOn (date)
Parameters date: the date you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Note: you can use the following key phrases instead of a specific date
today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last week, last month, last year, last archive change
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files which were created on the date you specify
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files made after today and all files made since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addKindBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addKindIs
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addKindIs (type)
Parameters type: the type of file (e.g., alias) you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files whose kinds are exactly the type you specify
Returns true if the event was successfully sent
-1 if no archive is open
Examples StuffIt.matchCriteria.addKindIs ("app")
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addKindBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addKindIsNot
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addKindIsNot (type)
Parameters type: the type of file (e.g., alias) you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files whose kinds are not exactly the type you specify
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addKindBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addLabelIs
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addLabelIs (label)
Parameters label: the label you wish to use as a qualifier for this Add Match command
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files whose label is the one you specify
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose labels are "Don't backup" and all files whose label is "System software"
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose kinds begin with "app" and end with "nt".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
Parameters date1, date2: the dates you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Note: you can use the following key phrases instead of a specific date
today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last week, last month, last year, last archive change
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files which were modified between the dates you specify
Returns true if the event was successfully sent
-1 if no archive is open
Examples StuffIt.matchCriteria.addModifiedBetween ("this week", "last year")
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
Parameters date1, date2: the dates you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Note: you can use the following key phrases instead of a specific date
today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last week, last month, last year, last archive change
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files which were not modified between the dates you specify
Returns true if the event was successfully sent
-1 if no archive is open
Examples StuffIt.matchCriteria.addModifiedNotBetween ("this week", "last year")
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addModifiedAfter
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addModifiedOn
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addModifiedOn (date)
Parameters date: the date you wish to use as the parameter for this Add Match command
Note: you can use the following key phrases instead of a specific date
today, yesterday, this week, this month, this year, last week, last month, last year, last archive change
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files which were modified on the date you specify
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files modified after today and all files modified since the last archive change.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addNameBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addNameIs
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addNameIs (text)
Parameters text: the text you wish to use as a parameter for this Add Match command
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files whose names are exactly the text you specify
Returns true if the event was successfully sent
-1 if no archive is open
Examples StuffIt.matchCriteria.addNameIs ("app")
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addNameBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addNameIsNot
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addNameIsNot (text)
Parameters text: the text you wish to use as a parameter for this Add Match command
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files whose names are not exactly the text you specify
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all files whose names begin with "app" and whose names end with "per".
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addNameBeginsWith
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.addSizeIs
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.addSizeIs (number)
Parameters number: the size (in K) you wish to use as a parameter for this Add Match command.
Action Establishes, as an Add Match criteria, to add all files which are the same number of kilobytes as number
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Size is unique in that you can often get around this restriction by using a different size addMatch.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Size is unique in that you can often get around this restriction by using a different size addMatch.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Size is unique in that you can often get around this restriction by using a different size addMatch.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Size is unique in that you can often get around this restriction by using a different size addMatch.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Size is unique in that you can often get around this restriction by using a different size addMatch.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Size is unique in that you can often get around this restriction by using a different size addMatch.
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all MacWrite II documents and all ResEdit documents
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addTypeCreatorIsNot
» true (the criterium was added to the Add Match qualifiers)
Notes As in StuffIt, you cannot specify more than one kind of qualifier for each Add Match parameter. Thus, you cannot add all MacWrite II documents and all ResEdit documents
If you do make a new qualifier (e.g., a new qualifier for addComment), it will overwrite the old one.
See Also StuffIt.matchcriteria.addTypeCreatorIs
Verb StuffIt.matchCriteria.clear
Syntax StuffIt.matchCriteria.clear ()
Parameters None
Action Clears the settings for the Add Match, allowing you to begin again
Returns true or false, depending on success
Examples StuffIt.matchCriteria.clear ()
»true (Add Match criteria were cleared from memory)
Notes When you open an archive, it will become the current archive (index 0). If you open an archive which is already open, StuffIt will still return true.
This has the same function as required.openDocument(path)
See Also StuffIt.archive.getMaxCount
Verb StuffIt.openFolder
Syntax StuffIt.openFolder (ID)
Parameters ID: the offset which contains the information for this item. This number is based on a propietary numbering scheme of StuffIt.
Action Opens the folder at the ID you specify and makes it the current level
Returns 0 if there was no error
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is out of range
-3 if the item is not a folder
-4 if the frontmost archive is a StuffIt 1.5.1 document
Notes This verb differs from join in that you cannot specify how to deal with potential problems. In join you can specify whether or not to replace files with the same name or to notify the user if a problem shows up.
With this verb, these two parameters default to false. No files will get overwritten and the user will not be alerted should an error arise
Notes This verb is different from segment in that you have more control with segment. With this verb, all the parameters revert to their defaults
The default of whether or not to replace files with the same name is false, as is the default of whether or not to prompt the user when an error occurs.
The default size is set at the user's default, which is set within StuffIt. If no default has been set, StuffIt uses the last size which was used.
Parameters pathname: the pathnames of the files you wish to segment (Wild cards may be used)
size: the maximum size (in K) you wish each segment to be
Action Segments the files you specify into segments, without replacing any files and without prompting you if there is an error, but allowing you to specify a size
Returns true or false, depending on the success of the segmenting
Notes This verb is different from segment in that you have more control with segment. With this verb, most of the optional parameters revert to their defaults
The default of whether or not to replace files with the same name is false, as is the default of whether or not to prompt the user when an error occurs.
See Also StuffIt.segmenting.join
Verb StuffIt.selection.addAll
Syntax StuffIt.selection.addAll ()
Parameters None
Action Selects all the items in the current level of the current archive
Returns 0 if there was no error
-1 if no archive is open
Examples StuffIt.selection.addAll ()
» 0 (all the items on the current level are now hilited)
See Also StuffIt.selection.clearAll
Verb StuffIt.selection.addbyPattern
Syntax StuffIt.selection.addbyPattern (pattern)
Parameters pattern: the text which StuffIt uses to select names. Usually this is a wildcard specifier.
Action Selects all the items in the current level of the current archive whose names include pattern
Returns 0 if there was no error
-1 if no archive is open
Examples StuffIt.selection.addByPattern ("Ki*")
» 0 (all the items on the current level which start with Ki are now hilited)
Notes Wild card characters may be used. They are as follows:
? = matches any letter
* = matches one or more letters
\* = * (the real character, not the code)
\? = ? (the real character, not the code)
\\=\ (the real character, not the code)
So, to select all files which begin with Te and end with xt, you would use Te*xt
See Also StuffIt.selection.AddTo
Verb StuffIt.selection.addTo
Syntax StuffIt.selection.addTo (ID)
Parameters ID: The offset in the archive of the item you wish to rename. This offset is based on a propietary numbering scheme in StuffIt, so there's no way to set it.
Action Adds the item you specify to the current selection
» 0 (Unstuffs "My Archive.sit" into "My HD:My Folder")
See Also Stuffit.unStuffItem
Verb StuffIt.unStuffItem
Syntax StuffIt.unStuffItem (ID,path)
Parameters ID: The offset in the archive of the item you wish to rename. This offset is based on a propietary numbering scheme in StuffIt, so there's no way to set it.
path: the full pathname of the destination for the unstuffed files
Action Unstuffs the item you specify into the pathname you specify
Returns 0 if there was no error
-1 if no archive is open
-2 if the offset you specify is out of range
-5 if the offset you specified is an end-of-folder
Other negative numbers are OS errors
Examples StuffIt.unStuffItem (StuffIt.getFirstItem(), "My HD:My Folder:My Unstuffed File")
» 0 (Unstuffs the first item in the archive to My Unstuffed File)
See Also StuffIt.stuffItem
Verb StuffIt.verifyArchive
Syntax StuffIt.verifyArchive ()
Parameters None
Action Verifies the frontmost archive
Returns true if the archive was successfully verified
Examples StuffIt.verifyArchive ()
»true (the archive was verified successfully)
Notes Since the verb returns only true or false, you will need to check the situation if you get false. For instance, this may mean that the archive is corrupted, or it may mean that no archive is currently open.
Verb StuffIt.visitArchive
Syntax StuffIt.visitArchive (levels,callback)
Parameters levels: the amount of levels down in the archive you wish to go
callback: the script you want performed at each item in the archive
Action "Visits" the frontmost archive. This verb is very similar to the visit object verbs in Frontier. You specify how many levels down you wish the script to go. At each item in those levels, the callback script will be executed.
Returns varies on what you've set your callback script to do